I'm hoping for at least a mediocre to okay show.
Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks if given good time could be really good. Sasha Banks will likely win here.
Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens should be good to pretty good. I'm guessing Ambrose wins this.
Rusev vs The Ryback will be pretty bad. Rusev wins to put over the League of Nations.
New Day vs Lucha Dragons vs The Usos in a ladder match is 1 of 2 contenders for match of the night. I'm hoping for a please don't die chant at Sin Cara. I'm guessing Lucha Dragons will win the Tag Titles.
The Wyatt Family vs Team Ecw elimination tables match will be Bad. The Wyatt Family wins this.
Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger in a Chairs match will be Mediocre to okay. Del Rio retains.
Charlotte vs Paige I'm hoping to be at least okay. Charlotte wins this, I'm just not sure how.
Best Option: Double Turn, Charlotte goes full heel attacks Becky and Paige. Paige turns at least to Tweener or Face.
Worst Option: Becky turns Heel.
Roman Reigns vs Sheamus is the second of 2 matches that could be match of the night, if they don't go overboard with interference. Sheamus wins because of League of Nations.