Is Pentagon hurt or something? I feel like Fenix has wrestled a lot more in AEW than Pentagon 

Have someone get beat down backstage and he is doing a reaction video of it as it happens
Ross always got to work football in the commentarynever change JR
He probably lost the rights to his last name "Beretta" during a dice game in RopongiWhy is dude not using Baretta as his last name anymore? Because just calling him Trent is stupid.
He needs a Selfie Stick. That would really flesh out his douchebag character.
He's kinda doing that with Ortiz and Santana beatdowns on Being The EliteHave someone get beat down backstage and he is doing a reaction video to it as it happens
Why is dude not using Baretta as his last name anymore? Because just calling him Trent is stupid.
This company desperately needs a secondary title. Because they have 3 matches tonight that each would be more meaningful if they were for the TV title or something.