WWE just started doing that recently and it's with obvious stuff that has happened in this country in this century usually. AJPW hasn't been relevant since the 90s. It'd be like mentioning the kroation league Drazen Petrovic played in. It wouldn't be the selling point of a whole tournamentEvery sports or sports entertainment company does that. Michael Cole talks about some of these other companies or mentions a wrestlers previous name when you know hardly anyone watching knows what he’s talking about.
NBA commentators will talk about what some international player did in a European league none of us watch.
Don't you body shame him!!!Eddie needs to work on his got damn body that shyt was ridiculous
shyt he looks 6 months pregnantDon't you body shame him!!!
We got Mambo sauce in Mickey Ds sonHe probably did. McDonald's Thanksgiving special is bussin!
Pagans are All EliteWhat if the Devil is Santa?
Bryan’s got that fired Punk energy flowing right nowTriple Crap Champion?
Lil' too amped up Bryan.
I missed Collision, so does Brody King have Eddie's belts or do the belts just go to the person that wins the whole tournament?
The winner of the tournament gets King two belts plus the Continent title making them a triple crown championI missed Collision, so does Brody King have Eddie's belts or do the belts just go to the person that wins the whole tournament?