Yeah, co-sign on those ol timey looking goons popping out of the ring and the crowd/JR/viewing audience being

. I thought Cody would be focused on feuding with MJF

DDP is 65
Dark Order haven't really impressed me in the ring, but those vignettes are well done
Jericho/Scorpio Sky was a solid match. I dig Moxley's energy, wouldn't mind seeing him going after the belt.
On the women's tip, just comparing them to NXT (which I heard might have the best roster of women?), it seems like their matches lack crispness/fluidity if that is a wrestling stat

. Maybe WWE scooped up all the really athletic women, and they haven't done much to build up the characters aside from whatever Vodoo stuff Brandi Rhodes has done.
When is Orange Cassidy going to wrestle a match

or am I missing the point of the gimmick and he doesn't really wrestle
JR dropping the Oriental and then quickly trying to move on from it