Other Rampage thoughts:
-The opening tag was fine, though it seemed like no one thought OC and Yuta were winning (probably because Yuta has such potent jobber energy right now). I think OC and Yuta have real potential as a tag team and would be interested in seeing them explore that.
-...Tony Nese SUCKS, man. Why does this guy keep getting shots on TV? My stomach actually dropped a little when he mentioned the TNT Title in his promo, even when I know they're not going to have him beat Sammy (Sammy out-talked him here, by the way). He might be the least charismatic man in wrestling, as well. At least the match will probably be fine.
-To this day, I have no idea how Riho is as over as she is.
-Guess Hayter's gonna turn on Britt pretty soon...
-I still can't believe in Riho's offense. Sometimes she'll really lay it in and make it look like she's hurting her opponent, but for the most part it's still kinda unconvincing to me.
-With that said, the match was actually pretty good, because Riho is a pretty good wrestler. Britt was fine, I suppose.
-Can you say a dude's "light in the ass" on TV in 2021? That shyt slayed me.
-I hate this dude Daniel Garcia so much, and not in the good way either. Every move of his makes me feel like he's acting like a shooter instead of being a shooter. Really irritating, still don't totally get the hype with this guy.
-The Daniel Garcia Dilemma in a nutshell: He actually has this awesome sequence of brutal leg locks and genuinely convincing violence late in the match where he actually starts to look like a great wrestler...and then he ruins it by making stupid faces and sticking his tongue out to the crowd. Dude would be great if he stopped being so dramatic all the time.
-Eddie Kingston is a great wrestler who had a great match. Who knew?
Solid episode, but completely insubstantial. It's shows like this that make me think that they have to do something with the Rampage format, because this just isn't something you HAVE to see on Friday nights.