Let's see what Bryan can do with this 

I need that Bryan/Dunne tag team run before Dunne turns on him and retires him before Bryan is ready to hang it up.
fukk it, give Bryan that prestige ride-off. Let them be managed by Regal. All Burgundy Everything.
2002 lesnar
That’ll be dopeI see Xavier there.... wonder if New Day gonna record a podcast episode while they all are there?
the minute i saw Dunne in the UK tournament my dream match would be him vs DB
Dunne is basically a grimmier version of DB
it would be
Graves needs to be fired. He's in dire need of some humbling.
Adam cole being pushed as the next goat in wwe
While kenny omega went from great story telling n matches in NJPW to get his ass whooped in his buddys promotion
I saw a dude at a Tekken Tournament act a goddamn fool with KingWith haste