This is the only interbrand match that has any chance of being good, as far as I'm concerned.
(Unpopular opinion: Becky Lynch was the weakest 'big match' worker of the 4, and left to their own devices, Bayley/Shayna would be a better match than this triple threat will be, but the spectacle wins out, and Becky leaves with the W because she pulled Kirby shyt at WM, and ate Ronda's career so she could just become ginger!Ronda)
(Unpopular opinion: Becky Lynch was the weakest 'big match' worker of the 4, and left to their own devices, Bayley/Shayna would be a better match than this triple threat will be, but the spectacle wins out, and Becky leaves with the W because she pulled Kirby shyt at WM, and ate Ronda's career so she could just become ginger!Ronda)