Either Britt and Thunder Rosa need to run it back or they need to hire a new lady wrestler to come in and have a feud with Britt.
Since TK is perusing the ROH menu he should snatch up Trish Adora.
AEW's booking for the women's division has been so schizophrenic that I honestly don't have any idea which of these two will win this match or even who is going to become the first TBS champ.
About fukking time. I need her to win the belt post-haste; the Britt reign's about 2 months past it's sell by date at this point.
For some reason there doesn't seem to be much interest from AEW/Impact to let their women's talent interact. It's messed up too because Impact has some great women who could really add to the AEW roster and it would get those Impact ladies a shot at being on a major cable channel.I could see them bringing in Deonna Purazzo as a stop gap, but - yeah - Trish Adora needs to show up.
Shida looking especially good tonight
That's how I felt they should've done it.This should be Deeb vs Shida. Wasted that in R1