Then WHY ... DIDNT... HE FIGHT... BOOBOO??? If Andrade is easy pickings, if hes some chump you claim is worse than Callum fxcking Smith then why not just smack him for his belt (like he DID Callum Smith), when offered, for a cool 40+ million and to go UNDISPUTED? It should have been easy right? It would make zero sense for him to not take the fight unless HE was concerned about what would happen. Put your thinking cap on for like 8 seconds famo.
Or dont and just stop quoting me
So lemme get this straight, lets use your logic and say Canelo ducking these two; so what’s stopping them two from facing each other in an attempt to unify 160??? They cant face any other champion besides Canelo? Why haven’t THEY unified 160?
Let’s here it