didn't see MJF-Darby
Luchas Bros vs FTR - good enough match but really convoluted finish, should've ended with the Eddie Guerrero shyt but I guess Jericho demanded he be the one for that
Danielson vs Miro - very good match but finish came off flat, they go to the well too often with the whole "Miro has a bad neck!~" deal
Jungles vs Bucks/Cole - went way way too long
Cody/Pac vs Andrade/Black - actual match felt like an afterthought to the Cody/crowd stuff, another flat finish that didn't seem to advance anything
Baker vs Conti - nobody bought Tay was gonna win and the match went way too long, too much stuff happened to end in a roll up finish
Punk vs Kingston - best match of the night, intensity from start to finish, didn't overstay its welcome and planted some good heel Punk seeds
Inner Circle vs ATT - a mess that shouldn't have had (nearly) the same stip as the Young Bucks match, Sammy in a comedy match is a waste of the TNT title
Page vs Omega - very good match
Crowd seemed to float in and out of interest, the matches that were built as serious had way more heat (Miro/DB, Punk/EK, Page/Omega) than the gimmick matches