JR not being able to remember SCU's name & stuttering out some form of So Cal...before giving up & saying I love these guys
Shocked the Bucks haven't had a match with Dark Order yet to really try & get them over since they've worked well with each other all over the place.
MJeff is a fukking money promo. Cut a serious promo on Cody & then turned around right into some comedy with Jericho
That powerslam botch
Seems weird to have Wardlow as MJeff's big man backup when you already got Jericho with Hager going. More weird since their both going after the same guy.
JR telling people to order the replay of Full Gear to watch PAC vs Page when their in the ring doing the match again on TV for the second time in the 6 weeks or so is an interesting strategy.

Dudes just having a brawl backstage to get a random Orange Cassidy appearence.
Put some rankings out Friday & by the next Wednesday they're disregarded so Jericho & Guevara can get a title match. Sky pinned Jericho so he'll probably get a title match even though I don't think he has had a singles match in AEW.
Guess they heard people talking about promos, went from damn near none to damn near everybody on the show getting some time to say something