

Jul 25, 2018
I use to be the type to drag on a "connection" with a girl even when I know we ain't really connecting, we talking only once a week, we want different things etc.

As a man out here in these streets you gotta know how to prioritize yourself and your wants and keep it moving if a girl ain't matching or giving bad vibes.

If she always asking you for money. Ghost.

If she always some drama that ends with you having to get out of bed. Ghost.

If she a prudish type that can't kiss, don't like being touched. All that high school shyt. Ghost.

If its too soon to have sex everytime we chill but it aint too soon to run up my wallet on expensive dinners and ask for favors. Ghost.

If she does some fukked up shyt like stand you up on a night yall planned or GHOST GHOST GHOST. Even if she "sorry." She showed you who she is. Believe it. Lord if I can take back all the times I foolishly "forgave" and chose to "be there" for fukked up people that didn't respect me and didnt deserve my energy instead of just moving along with my own journey and my own priorities. She WILL do something even more fukked up later and end up blaming and ghosting you in the end. A lonely heart is better than a broken one.

If she shares some freaky adventurous sexual past (or even present) with men, but won't share any of those experiences with you because "I didn't care about those guys. It was before you. It was a year ago." Sorry, ghosted. If she speaks fondly of it but then at the same time "it didnt mean anything." SUPER ghosted. And I don't wanna hear no feminist babble about a man being immature if he can't take and accept a woman's autonomy before him or whatever. Maybe in the future I'll be more mature and it wont matter, but at this time in my life, no, I don't feel honored being the chosen quality guy a girl whos a freak thinks she can lock down to a boring, secure life for herself after she already "experienced what she wanted" with other dudes. That will never not feel like im being taken advantage of for someone elses life priorities. I always talk to a lady im dating about sex and sexual experience and unless there was abuse or some shyt involved if I hear that "I don't do that no more" shyt, she out the paint and I'm back to me, my experiences and my own adventures.

Prioritize YOU cus that's what these females do and they won't give a shyt.


Dec 29, 2016
Typically, no. Either it fizzles out or an explanation is given.

The exception is a response to some transgression.

Lieutenant Daniels

I’m up for Major
Mar 11, 2022
Major case squad
I only ghost on 3 occasions…

  • If she’s a headache to deal with
  • If she’s doing the slow fade for no apparent reason but still doing JUST enough to keep me interested
  • If a chick doesn’t match what I’m looking for physically (this really only applies to online dating)
Outside of those 3 I don’t really ghost women. I don’t believe in burning bridges unless I absolutely have to meaning that persons a net negative in my life.


Jan 3, 2017
I use to be the type to drag on a "connection" with a girl even when I know we ain't really connecting, we talking only once a week, we want different things etc.

As a man out here in these streets you gotta know how to prioritize yourself and your wants and keep it moving if a girl ain't matching or giving bad vibes.

If she always asking you for money. Ghost.

If she always some drama that ends with you having to get out of bed. Ghost.

If she a prudish type that can't kiss, don't like being touched. All that high school shyt. Ghost.

If its too soon to have sex everytime we chill but it aint too soon to run up my wallet on expensive dinners and ask for favors. Ghost.

If she does some fukked up shyt like stand you up on a night yall planned or GHOST GHOST GHOST. Even if she "sorry." She showed you who she is. Believe it. Lord if I can take back all the times I foolishly "forgave" and chose to "be there" for fukked up people that didn't respect me and didnt deserve my energy instead of just moving along with my own journey and my own priorities. She WILL do something even more fukked up later and end up blaming and ghosting you in the end. A lonely heart is better than a broken one.

If she shares some freaky adventurous sexual past (or even present) with men, but won't share any of those experiences with you because "I didn't care about those guys. It was before you. It was a year ago." Sorry, ghosted. If she speaks fondly of it but then at the same time "it didnt mean anything." SUPER ghosted. And I don't wanna hear no feminist babble about a man being immature if he can't take and accept a woman's autonomy before him or whatever. Maybe in the future I'll be more mature and it wont matter, but at this time in my life, no, I don't feel honored being the chosen quality guy a girl whos a freak thinks she can lock down to a boring, secure life for herself after she already "experienced what she wanted" with other dudes. That will never not feel like im being taken advantage of for someone elses life priorities. I always talk to a lady im dating about sex and sexual experience and unless there was abuse or some shyt involved if I hear that "I don't do that no more" shyt, she out the paint and I'm back to me, my experiences and my own adventures.

Prioritize YOU cus that's what these females do and they won't give a shyt.
+1 on the bolded, that just happened to me last week. Called her the day of and she gave me an apology in a very forced unbothered tone saying she forgot. Complete 180 from when we'd spoke a few days earlier. Immediate ghost just for lying.

I don't put any effort or time towards someone that doesn't value me, or respect me enough to be honest.

Now, if this is someone I've been dating for a while and we've come to a crossroad, we're having that conversation.