I was just saying if you take away Sherlock Avengers and Iron Man, Robert Downey doesn have any big money making movies. Whereas Leo and Denzel can make any movie and it will make money. So that list is irrelevant to me. J Law is the same cause without Hunger Games she is just another female actress with an Oscar. Robert Downey was in a motel somewhere sniffing coke before he got the call to do Iron Man. I don't consider that valuable. Denzel was making great money making movies all his life. Same with Leo. Robert just got back popular cause of this Comic book craze.
I feel that but that's like saying take away the championships from any championship player and they're just a regular dude. Jennifer has also been in Silver Linings Playbook which was a hit and American hustle which was also a hit and Hunger Games, much like Iron Man and Sherlock with RDJ, isn't what it is without her as the star. Iron Man and by in large Marvel is what it is because of him and they begrudgingly acknowledge that anytime they cut him another check against their will or make a bigger role for him in Cap 3 against their will. That's value. Since Iron Man in 08 (and the only reason I'm