100 Greatest African History Books


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
You brehs get on board with these reads, you will turn a new page in life.......:salute:


100 Greatest African History Books : 1 - 10

1. The Book of the Glory of the Blacks
2. The Golden Age of West African Civilization
3. Daily Life in the Kingdom of the Kongo
4. Afrikan Genesis, Volume I
5. African Origins of the Major Western Religions
6. Royal Arts of Africa
7. Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization
8. The Irritated Genie
9. The Zimbabwe Culture
10. Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of Africa & Arabia

100 Greatest African History Books : 11 - 20
11. A Glorious Age in Africa
12. The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man
13. Negro: An Anthology
14. African Kingdoms
15. The African Slave Trade
16. The Lost Cities of Africa
17. African Glory
18. The Birth of Art in Black Africa
19. African Traditional Architecture
20. Tutankhamen

100 Greatest African History Books : 21 - 30
21. The Image of the Black in Western Art
22. The Ruins of Empires
23. African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality?
24. Civilization or Barbarism
25. Precolonial Black Africa
26. Architecture Soudanaise: Vitalite d'une tradition urbaine et monumentale
27. Brazil: Mixture or Massacre?
28. Timbuctoo the Mysterious
29. The World and Africa
30. The Civilizations of Africa

100 Greatest African History Books : 31 - 40
31. African Architecture: Evolution and Transformation
32. The Music of the Most Ancient Nations
33. Life in Ancient Egypt
34. Two Thousand Years of Nigerian Art
35. Papers in African Prehistory
36. Echoes of the Old Darkland
37. The Star of Deep Beginnings
38. The Voice of Africa: Volumes I and II
39. Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain
40. Early Art and Architecture of Africa

100 Greatest African History Books : 41 - 50
41. Churches in Rock: Early Christian Art in Ethiopia
42. A Short History of African Art
43. Black Pioneers of Science and Invention
44. Pillars in Ethiopian History: The William Leo Hansberry African History Notebook, Volume 1
45. Africa and Africans as Seen by Classical Writers: The William Leo Hansberry African History Notebook, Volume II
46. Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians, Volumes I & II
47. Anacalypsis, Volumes I and II
48. History of Ancient Egypt
49. Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushyte Empire
50. Timbuktu and the Songhay Empire: Al-Sadi's Tarikh al-Sudan down to 1613 and other Contemporary Documents

100 Greatest African History Books : 51 - 60
51. What They Never Told You in History Class
52. Introduction to African Civilizations
53. Man, God and Civilization
54. Introduction to Black Studies
55. Roots of Black Music
56. Carthage: A History
57. Pan-Africanism: A Short Political Guide
58. To Be a Slave
59. The Search for the Tassili Frescoes
60. A Tropical Dependency

100 Greatest African History Books : 61 - 70
61. A Scheme of Egyptian Chronology
62. Ancient and Modern Britons: A Retrospect, Volume I
63. Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia and Palestine in 1824, 1825, 1826, and 1827: Volume II
64. Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World, Volumes I & II
65. Political History of Munhumutapa c1400-1902
66. European Scholars on the African Origins of the Africans of Antiquity
67. The African Origin of Greek Philosophy
68. Africa in the Iron Age
69. The Bornu Sahara and Sudan
70. African Presence in Early Asia

100 Greatest African History Books : 71 - 80
71. Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World, Fourth Edition, Volumes I - III
72. Egypt's Making
73. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
74. The Groundings with my Brothers
75. Nature Knows No Color-Line
76. Sex and Race: Volumes I - III
77. World's Great Men of Color, Volume I & II
78. Great Benin: Its Customs, Art and Horrors
79. The Archaeology of the Cuneiform Inscriptions
80. In Praise of Black Women: Volumes I - III

100 Greatest African History Books : 81 - 90
81. The Ancient History of the East
82. The Music of Black Americans: A History
83. Peoples and Empires of West Africa
84. A Thousand Years of East Africa
85. A History of Islam in West Africa
86. General History of Africa, Volume I
87. General History of Africa, Volume II
88. General History of Africa: Volume III
89. General History of Africa: Volume IV
90. Black Women in Antiquity

100 Greatest African History Books : 91 - 100
91. Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern
92. Early America Revisited
93. Egypt: Child of Africa
94. Golden Age of the Moor
95. A History of Art in Africa
96. The Medieval Kingdoms of Nubia
97. The A-Group Royal Cemetery at Qustul: Cemetery L
98. History of Africa - Molefi Asante
99. Capitalism and Slavery - Eric Williams
100. From Columbus to Castro: The History of the Caribbean 1492-1969

mr x

May 1, 2012
No ahkenaten:dweller in truth?

Breh post this in the root where the brehs will be more receptive.