Adam Cole who is best friends with the young bucksWhy are they still working so hard to make this dry ass chick happen?
Who is she fukking? Because that's the only explanation for this shyt? Is she boning one of the Young Bucks?
Adam Cole who is best friends with the young bucksWhy are they still working so hard to make this dry ass chick happen?
Who is she fukking? Because that's the only explanation for this shyt? Is she boning one of the Young Bucks?
If AEW really wants some press then they should sign Diamante and Kiera Hogan.
They would have the first out lesbian wrestling couple on their roster which would get mainstream press talking plus both of those woman are miles better than 99% of the current women's roster.
Replicating the Charlotte push minus the nepotismNo in-ring skills, no mic skills, no charisma, lackluster body, face caked up with make-up, no ass..... what are you doing for me here?
No in-ring skills, no mic skills, no charisma, lackluster body, face caked up with make-up, no ass..... what are you doing for me here?
Allie/Cherry Bomb would be a million times better option to build a women's division around Britt's boring ass.I'm cool with Britt Baker.... but we need more Alliewhere's Bunny yall?
If AEW really wants some press then they should sign Diamante and Kiera Hogan.
They would have the first out lesbian wrestling couple on their roster which would get mainstream press talking plus both of those woman are miles better than 99% of the current women's roster.
He needs to put in a good word for her and get her hired at NXT so I will never have to see her again.She's Adam Cole's girl.