Tna(I don't care how many times they change the name the stench will always be on em)
Crappy company who constantly makes terrible decisions yet never gets the criticism of a wwe who actually takes care of their wrestlers.
I mean tna wrestlers are food stamps & gotta pick up a second job SMH
But but tv deal
No tna is NOT on the right track. It's a soulless brand held up by wrestlers looking to get paid & old worn out wrestlers. The company has no company guys cuz the real ones all left.
It doesn't deserve to be compared to wcw cuz wcw meant more for the culture & half of tna's existence has been on it's knees.
I don't wanna hear no Brock complaint when you still promote Tommy dreamer, rhino, & Ken shamrock on the card.
I never got the chance to flesh out my final regards to this toxic company, but here it is