I agree but I gotta applaud them for taking a big swing.
I was skeptical on Haitch and black wrasslers but he delivered with Bianca getting some quality mic time before the PLE and a very strong win despite interference. Now Bobby looks set to do big things in a feud with Brock, who had to surprise attack him and it still took Brock AND Seff EIGHT combined finishers to put Bobby down. To me it's not just about them winning, it's about them getting strong storylines and character development. The commentary selling the character, work ethic, and intellect of both of them and not going off the genetic freak/beast angle hasn't gone unnoticed either.
Hit Row has been flopping with the crowd in multiple cities and MMM were never intended to be top tier anything with that gimmick so I'm not gonna get worked up over them. Part of being treated fairly is accepting that some folks should be at the top of the card, some should be midcard, and some will need to job. Haitch is doing some longer term booking than we're used to from Vince outside of the top of the card so Imma give it more time to see which way it goes with New Day, the Street Profits, and Ricochet before I pass judgment.