I knew the Balor/Cesaro match was gonna be nice. I also wasn’t sure who’d win, so that made it better as well. Also on bored for Woods vs Sami in the Finals. Would be great both in ring and story line wise.
The women’s said on the other hand…yikes. That should’ve been an easy setup for Liv to be the spunky under dog that eventually gets beat by Shayna, but now I’m not sure what the plan is. I do dig Zelina, but I’m not sure how that’ll work with the other bracket. Dana and Nattie are wastes of spits though, should’ve just been Naomi and Sonya eventually meeting up.
Props to them at least having actual brackets though instead of just having random matches every week and calling it a tournament. Should’ve started out with 16 men and women though, you can easily build storylines that way and there’s enough on both sides (though for the women you may have to pull from NXT)