It won't, 30 cents min. I tried that shyt before, it didn't work. As hot as this one is 50 cents might be it.If it dips I'll just buy more. And if we are buying at a penny at Ico I don't think it'll launch at a penny. So for some it'll be 2x-3x's their investment at launch so of course some people will jump out.
My biggest concern is how much of a window we have to buy at Ico once it's announced and if it's a mad dash also I'm hoping to have 5k worth of Eth to put into this. I need time lol.
Ever since the $45 i threw at verge at .01, I've been saying i'm going to throw a stack at the next big thing.
Well verge seems to be OJ Mayo compared to this Joel Embiid that is Nucleus.
$1000 at .01 = 100,000 shares
100,000 shares x $10 a share by Q4 2018 = $1,000,000 in 2019
It's a great time to hold eth in general, but buy or convert when it dips a little.
So wait, I can't buy Nucleus tokens yet? Am I just transfering coins to the wallet for now?
I'm buying ETH now and buying "undervalued" Alt coins , when ETH dips I expect the ALT coins to pop a bit.
Ever since the $45 i threw at verge at .01, I've been saying i'm going to throw a stack at the next big thing.
Well verge seems to be OJ Mayo compared to this Joel Embiid that is Nucleus.
$1000 at .01 = 100,000 shares
100,000 shares x $10 a share by Q4 2018 = $1,000,000 in 2019
They haven't said when the sale is exactly, could be late jan/early Feb.
Get on Kucoin, a lot more coins with room for 10x type growth.
That shyt closed in 12 hours. Shugg said sign up now, from experience, I just do and think later. Good ones go real fast especially when most of these straight buttcheeksWhitelist registration is closed...did I take an L or can I still get on this Nucleus joint???
Whitelist registration is closed...did I take an L or can I still get on this Nucleus joint???
Whitelist registration is closed...did I take an L or can I still get on this Nucleus joint???
I need to check it out then. Better than coinsmarkets? is dope, gotta say I'm finding more stuff here on the lower mcap scale than on Binance a lot of things still under $100 million in cap, plus the Kucoin shares just keep rising.
I think they doing some type of bounty shytWhitelist registration is closed...did I take an L or can I still get on this Nucleus joint???