I took everything off Binance 2 days ago.

No issues with binance for me .I'm on a Samsung galaxy 7
Would it be worth transferring my ripple to the VEN? I decided to tap out for now at 2.12 but I don't want to keep it in my ETH bc I figure ETH is due for a dip soon. VEN seems like something that wouldn't dip much short term and has a potential to boom ling term?It really is, but they were going to list on Bithumb/Bittrex in December before the regulations hit Korea and the SEC went after Bittrex.
This should be a $10-15 coin right now based on the partnerships they have alone.
Would it be worth transferring my ripple to the VEN? I decided to tap out for now at 2.12 but I don't want to keep it in my ETH bc I figure ETH is due for a dip soon. VEN seems like something that wouldn't dip much short term and has a potential to boom ling term?
Xrp still up what you talking about Willis?At XRP doing this after last week