If he starts to compile a new build expect a swing back in price. Each time he does it gonna make people more and more 

Sorry breh, I'm like 8 coffees 50 hours awake with like 2 hours sleep in between. I'm tweakin over herePlace your bets breh
Verge is going to 50 cents, I'm calling it now and when it do I'm selling 25-30% of this dramatic ass bs
Should of went out with my girl
Kush got me on edge
fukk it
Brehs don't ignore XLM. Y'all was still hodling right?
Dev screenshot: FAKE
Reddit page was all over it. Something about it is not authentic to how the chat should look. They are Verge stans so I'll take their word for it cause they'd love it to be true.Got some two days ago at .31
How do you know?
Took my ZCL off Cryptopia, the fact it has a pin and not 2factor is somelevel shyt.
fukk it I’m thugginTook my ZCL off Cryptopia, the fact it has a pin and not 2factor is somelevel shyt.
Is there a guide that shows you how to do this? I want to take my shyt off coinmarket, I got a mew, but no idea how to use it.