Does it hide IPs? What's your conclusion from what you looked into? Justin Dev guy seems very intelligent
I can't effectively draw that conclusion from just one day tbh (really like a few hours), if I had more time with it I could probably say something more. Their code base is clean though, and that makes the development process much more efficient. Clean coders speed up the process for everyone and makes code less difficult to reason about, which means productivity gains and a more actualized project. It would not surprise me if it does what they say. Along this line, as an experienced developer tidbit: that is one of the reasons why I'm looking for ico projects that have a codebase written in Golang/Go. You see how much better binance works than everything else? Not a surprise it's written in Go (the main language I work in). The lightning network I've been reading about, also written in Go. Kraken is now hiring Go developers probably to compete. Ethereum Classic, searching for Go developers, etc. Problem is there aren't many around. So when you see a Go codebase, start focusing.
Yeah Justin no doubt is a beast and a really talented programmer, but they also have quite a few devs working on it. You only really see Justin make commits to master because he's merging other branches (which get deleted) dude is probably the project lead/senior dev, so those are mainly his calls if he wants to merge changes in. For example, that mac fix yesterday wasn't a change from Justin, but somebody else's fix and Justin approved it before it got merged to master.
The main project is built in the master branch, which merges other branches into it. Developer A can be working out of branch A, developer B out of branch B, and each branch can have master branches and sub branches. When developer A is finished, he can merge his branch with master, same goes for developer B. But A and B can also merge their branches together as well, do more work like merge with even other branches on top of it. Then when it's done, slam all of those changes into master.
I'll come back tonight/tomorrow to drop more tidbits about github, I really think that's a major advantage to know about in this game. It's the software business after all.