So is shytcoin season gonna return or is that done?
What are yall looking at?
I haven't added to my meme/shyt coin portfolio in a min
I degened into this rinia coin cuz of some shiba fukkery last night. they were talking about the chain id being copied from another network called rinia, some fire testnet shyt i ain't never heard of. Bone had a huge drop cuz of the fud. i saw they made some rinia coin on dextools so i swapped half my bone for it. had a decent run but died down. still holding hoping it shoots up to a dollar so i can get that bone back plus more.

DEXTools, the gateway to DEFI, real-time charts, history and all token info from blockchain.
messed up by not taking profits and coming back but its all good. something bound to pop regardless with any of these coins. everything but saitama.