Verge is my big winner clearly but I did a couple flips.what coin did you invest in?
Started with half an ETH and half a Litecoin (285 off top 3 weeks ago)
They doubled, sent it to binance bought IOTA low 3 dollars off coli advice. It went to almost 6, sold some before it dipped.
Bought some Verge and TRX at a penny. It went up, bought some XRP at .40 cents, IT went up too lol.
Then the crash happened and verge dipped, I sold some more IOTA at 4.00 when it was down and stocked up on more Verge. It went up again I took some of that and bought VEN. IT WENT UP
Now I'm just cakin, I'ma buy some BRD when it hits later too.
Oh also have a little XLM, SUbStratum and MANA.