definitely. i see veve got a spiderman drop on friday, might try to wake up early enough for that. i also see top shot got a pack tomorrow with the vince carter dunk contest dunk. might try for that and see what they got. gotta see if any of these top shot ones i got are worth anything or will be.
I've been late on the last couple of queues for NFLallday. I really wanted to catch the SuperBowl editions. I think those'll definitely look good when the market opens up.
That Veve drop with spider-man is one that I'll chase a couple of covers for. I'm Puerto Rican so I stan Miles Morales ish (got two of the last one with him that dropped). I'll probably try to scoop one off the secondary market even if I whiff on the drop. The comics have been pretty cheap so far, I might flip a couple of collectibles and stack some of the recent covers.