Why Yall ignore the 9/10 cents when Yall mention gas prices?
Coli economic experts brehsI hope those of yall in TX know low gas prices=potential collapse in Houston and Dallas, and the rest of TX. Great for the rest of the country, but when 2/3 of state's wealth has come from this sector the past 4 years, it's a tense time. The Fracking boom is in crisis mode with record low profit margins.
Its a bust and boom industry.
Idk brehs, these low gas prices are scary. Wonder if somebody is up to something
And how many juggernauts make up the pie? Of the course the bigger companies wont be hurting, but that isnt the point. I've talked to enough old oil guys. They remain optimistic about a gradual rise back up, but aren't surprised if a bottom of $40 is seen, they stay on caution mode.Yes, leveraged oil/gas companies will reveal themselves when the time comes. Juggernauts will be just fine.
Coli economic experts brehs