A good entertaining Wrestle Kingdom, goes to show that knowing how to make a proper card order of matches and good pacing of each match can make an exciting event. This night including the pre show was 6 hours but it flew by
link to what that even is?
link to what that even is?
If this all leads to a retread of the Tanahashi vs Okada 1 year feud from WK 9 to WK 10, this is BEYOND RETARDED.
looks like these were PREMONITIONSwikipedia letting neckbeards edit in the a.m.
Naito won’t be this over next year and even if they do give him the belt at WK13 they’re going to have to give him a long ass Ace run just to get back to where he should have been. I’m heated.
The golden goose will always retain breh![]()