aka bx_representer
Jerry? I thought he was done
Yeah I can't stand Lawler either.That damn clown
because TNA fuccing sucks and had a 6 sided ringI bet ya'll didn't watch TNA though
John Cena turns 40 this year. This dude might have another 10 years left. He might end up being a 32 time champion
He's going to have been in the top title match or the last match of the night at mania from 2005-2013 and now again? Ten times? Jesus fukk man, enough already. We have to deal with this guy on one brand and roman on the otherThis is the true definition of insanity. Same ole same ole. Cena champ again after AJ has carried smackdown.
Then they wonder why ratings are in the shytter.
Don't start this. They gave him 3 clean wins over Cena and a title reignStyles is going to get shytted on when it comes to the Wrestlemania card. Shame.