Jade shoulda did the stink face.at the way this chick falls down the corner

Jade shoulda did the stink face.at the way this chick falls down the corner
What they do for the tribute show?I needed some for the ROH show. Two guys came down and replaced the girl in the pink hair and guy next to her and they stunk.
You forgetting Eric Young getting that HBO Oz prison death on ImpactEver since Lucha Underground was killing characters off, Impact took that to an extreme and got kids ran over, Allie getting stabbed in the neck, John E. getting shot live on TV. LU was an bad influence in the industry.
What they do for the tribute show?
Man, so much fukkery that goes on in the ICU, it makes you wonder how they're mentally saneYou forgetting Eric Young getting that HBO Oz prison death on Impact