Checking in. What'd I miss so far?
Face ADR is pretty good.
Big Show is a racist.
Cena/Zigs cage match tonight.
That's about it.
Checking in. What'd I miss so far?
Wouldn't this be a good match to determine Rumble placement? Or am I overthinking this?
This feud again
they dont even do that anymore...
i used to like them using these pre rumble matches as ways to determine who goes first, last, etc. or atleast show guys pick spots in the rumble...they dont even do that anymore, which doesnt make sense to me
Wouldn't this be a good match to determine Rumble placement? Or am I overthinking this?
I agree but it would've been cool to have him in the building. No Austin, No HBKHBGOAT's tweets>>>>>Big Show's segment
he's got two straight up classics. "Oh I got the mic now" and "aaughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
just amazing stuff.
Big E Langston' Racist WTF - WWE Main Event - YouTube
Blandy said he was in it and that was it. No rhyme or reason. Only a select few can enter because they want while the midcard has to jump through every fukking hoop known to man.