Ghostface would hate this postWhen I thought Ghostface performed HOOK's theme, I was like
...but when I learned it was Action Bronson, I said
Aminata>>>>>Mariah May
Tbh last week was the only time ive looked at her like maybe I wouldDeonna is the most Jersey looking wrestler I’ve seen
while Sammy was gone he said Don Callis never called him or checked on him...The Family ended up jumping him, Jericho saved SammyWhy is Sammy still with Jericho?
Heavy on the unseasonedSammy is unseasoned Ricky Starks and I cant believe I never noticed it til now
They could have did some montages with Tazz training him over a few weeks or something. Khan will throw a match away quick lol.
that's under NDAWhy is Sammy still with Jericho?