JBL should probably sit that one out. Didn't he get his ass whooped by Joey Styles?They can't come straight out and diss him tho they will look petty
I expect JBL and Graves to say some slick shyt
JBL should probably sit that one out. Didn't he get his ass whooped by Joey Styles?They can't come straight out and diss him tho they will look petty
I expect JBL and Graves to say some slick shyt
Trips hitting his line as we speakMickey Gail showing up at Mania
a blowout beeeeefore miiiiinute threeeeeeeloooooooooook in my eyesssssssssssss
what do you seeeeeeeeeeee?
punk putting gall over.
Break her off with that Organic DShe gonna call DB for that Late night stroke.