Great now we have to hear KP on Friday Nights
So HHH heard how bad KP was and said let's put him on the A show? Just put his ass on one of those studio shows and be done with it, this is just keeping an obvious problem going. You can tell who is good on commentary or has the potential to be just off of how they sound. KP sounds like a scared child being told to speak in public.
Did you hear those loud ass "Bobby" & "We Want The Smoke" chants? It's clear the fans are not going to boo this group, and we're not sure if they're done adding members.The National Nygga Federation has arrived.
Passa Bobby
Brotha Tez
Deacon Dawkins
They want the smoke, because WRESTLING IS FOR NYGGAS

People trying to blame sheamus because they love knight..
I love him too but he clearly didn’t jump high enough on the first spot. The slip was on sheamus but he was never supposed to be in the position to slip in the first place because Knight should have never misjumped
And this isn’t an isolated thing. He does this often. Almost killed Cody on the road to mania
You had some people saying he's very average in the ring, but they were drowned out by the "Knight is the next Rock" crowd. Besides his age it was said that his supposed match against Waller on NXT is what made Vince sour on his character.