Long term bookingWhy they acting like there is some blood vendetta between Roman and Finn?
They hadn't interacted with one another in forever before last week.

Long term bookingWhy they acting like there is some blood vendetta between Roman and Finn?
They hadn't interacted with one another in forever before last week.
Hold up...imagine Reggie, Ricochet, and The DMV's own Ultimate Finesser Dashing Chris Bey lady and gentlemen in an Ultimate X match!
I hated him the first couple weeks he was on but I have to admit that dude got exponentially better to the point that he's the best guy on WWE's announce teams.Is it too early to throw Pat into the goat commentator convo?
No. They're members of the #BeyletClub now.I heard Chris Bey is part of #purogang now
If Reggie is only going to be defending his title in actual matches that kinda changes the concept of the 24/7 title.
They should retire it and rename it as the TV title with the new stip of being the titleholder that you have to defend it every week on Raw, NXT and Smackdown.