Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
I get being "Jobber Friendly" and all. Especially when the roster is young and you've still got a gang of motherfukkers that haven't made it to TV yet.. but it does a disservice to say, Omega's presentation to a possible larger-scale audience when he's having competitive bouts with enhancement talent instead of bodying them with one V-Trigger after 3-4 minutes.
There CAN be a friendly balance either by accident (See, Ellsworth) or by design (See, Heath Slater's initial SDL run) but the cardinal rule is you gotta keep your stars looking like stars, breh. Otherwise, they just come off as being one step above being another face in the crowd.
Which is true but get this.....
And when I say this to you or really anyone else that may try to misconstrue or twist.
Not comparing any of the talent say Kenny faced to Cena.

But imagine Kurt squashes Cena in 3 mins, then he goes on to gets squashed by Taker and others the next few shows. He probably doesn’t become who he is today. That doesn’t benefit the roster and company long term
Also, here’s something y’all may want to take into consideration. If these top guys are having long balanced matches with these unknowns, maybe they trynna tell you “these are NOT jobbers”