-Punk's use of they and Paul/Paul was a nice touch great promo and Taker!
- @IG Liggin(s) AG? They used your idea Punk mentioned Taker should've retired last year

-Did Jericho and Heyman get in a fight? They both got shiners

-Ziggler didn't need to lose there....anyone else would've been ok
-Ziggie and Biggie? I lol'd.
-Somebody change this nikka Big E's uniform dude was practically naked out there

-Fandango proceeded to swag on Y2J a lil bit lol
-Jericho tells him to "not say a word" and the mic he's holding picks it up
-Fandango = Destiny's Child "
-Mizzark's ok

Uso's punishment lol
-Hope Flair's ok