Thought this was a good show. Having some face/heels on opposite sides as the crowd was a nice touch. I thought Smackdown having no crowd was very good, and I think Dynamite was pretty on par with that one (Raw was

Not a fan of Brodie Lee’s ring attire if that’s what it is going forward.
Up in the air about Matt Hardy. The Broken Universe thing has probably jumped the shark, as the WWE only halfway acknowledged it then pretty much stomped it out.
Sammy, Shawn Spears, and MJF singing the Judas theme
The whining on the last pages

I’m not a of former WWE guys being given the ball once leaving, but only if they’re not actually an asset and not in a new role. I like seeing guys revamp and portray what they should have been in the first place and taking those opportunities. Sometimes it works (Mox, Jericho, PAC). Sometimes it doesn’t (Shawn Spears

). Ratings shouldn’t matter to the viewers as long as the shows are good (which AEW and NXT are far more than not). Doesn’t matter that SD/Raw beat out both. The WWE has 60 years of history, of which their flagship show has been on almost 30 years and the secondary one 21. If you don’t realize why those shows pull over 2 mil despite low quality, you’re probably as dumb as the WWE thinks their viewers are