aka #DiamondNightmare
You both suck chants 

I hate the Velcro on the new title belts
Makes it look like a grown man carrying around a toy belt
Goldberg looks like a high school football coach
I feel like he would have had he not been on the road for Vince slaving for 365 days a year.Cena should have legit made a second album
I respect Cena for having my guy Freddie Foxxx all over the albumCena should have legit made a second album
Cena gonna end the night with the hometown cheers
Cut a promo
"Tonight...Im officially announcing that I will be going to WRESTLE.....MANIAAAAA!!!"
*Crowd cheers*
Lights cut out
The Fiend shows up behind Cena and hits Sister Abagail
Bray Stands over a laid out Cena
Roll credits