Battle Royal was lit. Raven in the building, Ortiz acting a fool as usual, Luchasaurus/The Butcher face off and him showing out, OC saving Trent from elimination

, OC not immune to The Caloway Special, Matt hitting that clean ass Superkick and Sammy selling the hell out of it

That was great.
Brandi is a bad muthafukka

she looked good enough to eat in that Leopard print
PAWG on PAWG violence between Shanna and Stackedlander, pretty good match. Heel Britt is great, gave Tony his own personal Starbucks cup.
Nyla pretty good on the mic
Mox with the homage to DDP with taped up ribs, great hard hitting match from Cobb & Mox. Skateboard D with an innovative use of it as a weapon, thought he was about to pull off a kick flip when Cobb went to suplex him.

at him also stealing Sammy's cue card gimmick because he can't speak presently.
Great fukkin match between Lucha Bros. & The Hangovers, Revolution gon be the night Hangman finally has enough.
Them AEW action figures are nice.
Cody with that Angle-esque moonsault off the cage

Wardlow has star potential, he has the look and looks like he knows what he's doing in there.