Don Callis is so awesome in this role.
I can't get over Butcher's hipster alter ego
Is this real?That's the face of Griselda's Buffalo Kids store/line to you
I don't think he wins on dark (he lost to Scorpio last night). If they start giving him dubs like they did hobbs, he'll be back soon enough.[triple] here's the thing [/h]
that big mofo looks impressive, but if all they did was bring him up from dark to job one week then send him back down and we dont see him til the next job, whats the point? everybody in this thread making jokes, but he made an impression. they could have something here or have a p.o.s. but damn, are they gonna waste him w/o even trying? i feel like i see one and done dudes all the time on this show, when i watch
...and taking 30%Impact Wrestling main eventers Private Party
Hardy already making them stars