White City Black
Ol’ Basquiat head ass
Big E rightfully trying to end this
Apollo ain't trying to go back to catering
Apollo fight with all his might

Big E rightfully trying to end this
Apollo ain't trying to go back to catering
E as a goofball heel with a mean streak is a whole vibe. dig into that, plzzzz
It added to it, I like the direction they're going with Crews.They couldn't do that without the fukkery?
i'll take either. he's always had A-lister quality to me and he'll get plenty of chances to do both if WWE is smart.Why heel?
You know how hard it is for someone to be a good babyface nowadays. E is a great babyface. Keep him that way!
Dr. Umar shyt.Have this man running your two big shows weekly but don't give him an office.
She got a light-skinned friend look like Michael JacksonSonya looks like Michael Jackson.