
  1. O

    woman in walmart spazzing out over man using food stamps mjpls:

  2. Forlife44

    Florida woman chases down Pervert in Target

    the way he dropped the basket and bounced :mjlol: But he really didn't do anything illegal, he was only charged with reckless driving
  3. J

    how many of you let your woman handle your affairs

    dealing with family, paying your bills, making repairs etc as oppose to you as a man dealing with it.
  4. FaTaL

    Dana Stubblefield charged with raping mentally disabled woman(update:He got 15 years to Life)Update!! Conviction Overturned

    I remember him taking a lot of shots at kaep this year whose laughing now? Kaep by FaTaL posted Nov 25, 2015 at 1:59 PM
  5. Booker T Garvey

    Black woman allegedly refuses service to White lesbian (video)

    are gays the new "oppressed" people? and black people with our backward christian views the new bigots? :francis: what's crazy is I had a co-worker who was a white lesbian, waives the rainbow flag online, has a girlfriend and everything (we're still fb friends) a dread head body builder cat who...
  6. J

    what advice would u give a brother who's trying to get with a black woman

    what would be the steps he need in your opinion in getting a date with a sister
  7. Colin X

    Idk why but I find this woman EXTREMELY attractive.

    I know a lot of y'all won't agree but fukk it :yeshrug: I'd wife :mjcry: i just wanna wake to her sending me selfies like this while I get ready for class :mjcry: Booty ain't ridiculous but it's just enough for me :mjcry: I wanna PND and chill with her :mjcry: Imagine sitting on...
  8. loyola llothta

    NO Papi: NYC woman sets up camera, finds boyfriend raping her dog

    Man Who Had Sex with Maltese Was Caught When Dog Started Hiding, Causing Suspicious Girlfriend to Set Up Hidden Camera http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/...icle-1.2602878
  9. Groanman

    When you hear a woman say, "Ah-own give a fukk,"......run.

    That is all. Just run.....far....far away. Happy Saturday :coffee:
  10. Street Knowledge

    Colo. woman who cut baby from womb of stranger gets 100 years

    Colo. woman who cut baby from womb of stranger gets 100 years Matthew Jonas/AP Michelle Wilkins gestures during the sentencing for Dynel Lane, convicted in February of attempting to kill Wilkins, at the Boulder County Justice Center in Boulder, Colo., on Friday. A baby-obsessed Colorado woman...
  11. M

    THIRST IS STRONG with This One: CAVE Woman PanHandles for a BOYFRIEND

  12. M

    BLOODCLOT! JAMAICAN Woman Aint Having It On Crowded Azz Train

    Need this lady in my passenger seat when im in traffic :dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead:
  13. Diyhai

    White woman sues sperm bank—again—after getting black man’s sperm

    An Ohio woman has sued a sperm bank that mistakenly gave her sperm from an African-American donor. Plaintiff Jennifer Cramblett, who is white, gave birth to her mixed-race daughter Payton three years ago. In her lawsuit (PDF), she says that the sperm bank's mixup led to "an unplanned...
  14. M

    DUMB THOT: Drunk Woman Trying To Park Smashes Into Cars!

    Let your woman drive brehs :francis:
  15. UserNameless

    White woman admits she smells like "Wet Dog" after exercise on Tide Commercial

    Tide and Downy Odor Defense Collection TV Spot, 'Yoga Aroma' Description Even after doing the laundry, this mom's yoga pants carried a yoga aroma that made her smell like a wet dog. Thankfully, she was able to eliminate the odor with the Tide and Downy Odor Defense Collection. She explains that...
  16. I

    who is this woman in this commercial?

    right at the 12 second mark :noah:
  17. Middle Finga U

    Woman married dude for Military retirement benefits; Now he's divorcing her

    I married an Army officer two years before he retired. I thought I would be making out big and would establish a good future for myself by marrying a man with a great retirement income and who was still capable of working and starting a second career. I discovered the type of man he really was...
  18. Jahmal

    Coli Men: Can you Love a Woman that doesnt perform Oral Sex on You?

    I cant love or trust a woman that doesnt deep throat my anaconda and swallow my kids. nope cant do it! I look back at all my relationships and all of the women have sucked me off and swallowed.
  19. BocaRear

    Sohh We Just Gonna Ignore Lil Kim's A White Woman now?

    bytch looks like she orders a mocha pineapple capuccino latte from starbucks now :why: She went full Nubian snow princess Diana on us :whitemjcry: Our black queens yall :saddrake:
  20. Scuti

    Chinese Guy Takes Woman Hostage, Gets Justice
