
  1. FAH1223

    The Pipeline War is what's fueling the Middle East

    Syria: Ultimate Pipelineistan War Pepe ESCOBAR Syria is an energy war. With the heart of the matter featuring a vicious geopolitical competition between two proposed gas pipelines, it is the ultimate Pipelinestan war, the term I coined long ago for the 21st century imperial energy...
  2. FAH1223

    President Obama meets with Rohingya Muslim Refugees in Malaysia President Obama Met With Young Muslim Refugees And It Was Absolutely Heartwarming They represent "the opposite of terror," he said. Posted: 11/21/2015 12:20 AM EST KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Pushing back...
  3. FAH1223

    Somalia Re-Opens its USA Embassy in Washington, DC

  4. T

    Kanye to run for president in 2020 (Poll included)

    :damn:WHO WILL SURVIVE IN AMERICA Video of his announcement speech is here:VMA 2015: Kanye West says he's running for president in 2020
  5. 50CentStan

    Question for the HL brehs, Is America todays great Empire?

    Last night as I'm chilling with some Family from around the way, we discuss world politics. One of my uncles is a die hard bleeding heart liberal. He was like "America does this, this, this etc wrong" brings up the wars we are/were involved in, brings up us getting involved in the issues of...
  6. MushroomX

    The United Swears of America based on 13-14' Tweets

  7. FAH1223

    Obama in Kenya and Ethiopia

  8. FAH1223

    Iran Nuclear Deal: USA remains out under Biden after failed 2022 JCPOA talks; Russia and Iran collaborating on nuclear items

    Link: Israel and Saudi Arabia are :mad:
  9. lightskinjezebel

    10 Reasons Why I Don't miss Living in the USA

    1. the “Food“ I remember when I arrived at my boarding school some classmates were complaining about how the steak and potatoes in the cafeteria wasn’t real. I was completely confused. How could that even be possible? Where does that even begin to make sense. After some time – I gradually began...
  10. Liu Kang

    [Painting / 3D Pavement art] Kurt Wenner - USA

    Official site : Official FB : Dude is too damn cocky :stopitslime: Other
  11. Liu Kang

    [Illustration / Stereography, Gifs] Dain Fagelhorm - USA

    Official Blogspot : Official Tumblr : Offichial shop : Other