tv shows


    "Falling Skies"

  2. ThatKidBlackHippy

    Official Young Justice Thread

    This season is shaping up to be epic. :win:
  3. Daniel.

    Official Dexter Season 7 Thread - Beginning of the end

    Filming starts May 23rd... Going back to their roots with some filming in Miami.... First episode is titled "Are You..?" and looks to be starting right where we left things off (:krs:)... Ray Stephensen from HBO's Rome is signed on to a role, likely heading up a Russian Mob syndicate in Miami...
  4. Rain

    The Legend of Korra

    Piff Comes on @ 11 Watch :win:
  5. Breathe Chanel

    Girls (HBO Show) Discussion thread

    Wow this show is piff brehs! :popcorn:
  6. That Singer Guy...

    Essential The Official "All Things One Piece" Thread (The Final Saga Has Started))

    Latest Manga Chapter: Latest Anime Video: SOHH...we off that.
  7. P

    Official "Mad Men" Season 5 Discussion Thread

    This season has been pure brilliance so far. Between Roger's LSD trip, Don/Megan's issues in the previous episode, Megan beasting on that Heinz account, Sally catching Roger getting domed up by Megan's mom (who is hotter than she is), etc. This season has been epic :smugdraper:
  8. Deezay

    The Walking Dead(Comics, TV Show and Videogames)*Spoilers*

    Game Trailer
  9. dtownreppin214

    Official 'Game Of Thrones' Season 2 Discussion Thread *NO BOOK SPOILERS*

    my thoughts on the 5th episode...the boss bytch is coming for the throne.
  10. newarkhiphop

    Essential Official Netflix Thread

    Am a netflix fiend watching about 4-6 movies a week , some i recently saw this past weeknd Puncture: Young lady at a hospital gets stuck with a needle catches aid and dies, movie tells the story about two young hip lawyers who pick up her case, good fukin drama movie, with a semi :wtf: ending...