
  1. Macallik86

    "Anywhere But Washington" Thread

    For six week leading up to the election, a journalist from The Guardian 'explores what America's most overlooked peoples and places reveal about a nation divided'. The 2016 coverage really highlighted the groundswell of support in rural America in a way that was prescient. In some past clips...
  2. Professor Emeritus

    Running tally of Trump coronavirus claims that are contradicted by his own case

    Just wanted to keep track of all the shyt regarding Trump's corona case that has already contradicts his own narratives. Repeatedly refused to wear a mask The White House has finally made mask-wearing mandatory for of today. :mjlol: It's okay to downplay masks when...
  3. DrexlersFade

    12 Indicators that Trump will try become a dictator in his second term!

    Oh and add on to the fact he won't tell you shyt about what he's going to do in his second term :francis:
  4. loyola llothta

    It Most Be Two Sides: The Political Donations of NBA Owners Are Not So Progressive

    The Political Donations of NBA Owners Are Not So Progressive NBA teams and owners have publicly pledged their solidarity with Black players in the fight against racism and police brutality. But the political donations of many franchise governors have overwhelmingly favored Donald Trump and the...
  5. T

    Joe Biden “ I beat the socialist, That’s how I got elected “

    :mjgrin: I hope in 2024 we can say fukk this two party system , I can’t believe they’re literally throwing shots are each other .
  6. mykey

    This week's Herman Cain award goes to Tony Tenpenny

    Another one bites the dust.. :yeshrug: #Trumpset
  7. Professor Emeritus

    WOAT deal: TikTok to keep 80% of US operations and promises to fund White Supremacy education

    How you claim you forcing China to sell when they still retain ownership? :mjlol: He's giving 20% of the company to one of his donors though. :francis: And Trump taking a $5 billion mafia cut to start his "patriot" school curriculum. :gucci: The TikTok Deal Stinks This is the most openly...
  8. loyola llothta

    US companies are defying Trump's demands to 'decouple' from China

    US companies are defying Trump's demands to 'decouple' from China 09/09/2020 | BUSINESS INSIDER USA | ADAM PAYNE U.S. President Donald Trump meets with China's President Xi Jinping at the start of their bilateral meeting at the G20 leaders summit in Osaka, Japan, June 29, 2019. American...
  9. BaileyPark31

    What Has Kanye Done To Earn YOUR Vote?

    Playing Devils advocate here .... If you're planning to vote Kanye, what has he done to earn your vote?
  10. Professor Emeritus

    Trump puts Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley on his Supreme Court nomination list

    Three of the most far-right, racist senators in politics today and he wants to give them power to decide Supreme Court cases and the basis of our rights for the next 40 years. :snoop: Trump's Newest Supreme Court Shortlist is Overtly More Political "President Trump has unveiled his...
  11. Baka's Weird Case

    Trump's Shortlist for Supreme Court Justices Includes Kentucky AG, Ted Cruz

    NPR Choice page President Trump has released an additional 20 names he would select from if any Supreme Court vacancies arise during his remaining time in office, including the president's rival-turned-Senate ally, Ted Cruz. The list also includes Sens. Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley as well as two...
  12. Pressure

    Trump called racism a HOAX. Says, RIP to Tangibles.

  13. BaileyPark31

    Cali Goon Threatens County Officials

    Potential terrorist alert! @Donald J Trump @California
  14. loyola llothta

    Breaking News: US Resolution to Extend Iran Arms Embargo Fails. Trump Administration Humiliated

  15. The True HD

    You voting this Election? - Personally No

    I don't rock with either side, fukk lesser of two evils n this n that, both parties are full of shyt. :hula: Me picking is like this smiley havin burning coal in his hand.... Either way I get burned. With that said, I know I got no right to complain about the course the country heads down in...
  16. DrBanneker

    SPIN: Fight the alt-right on The Coli DON'T suppress dissent

    We all know about the recent thread talking about suspect posters that lurk or post here. The issue is real and there has long been disruptive traffic of this sort even before this site when that other 4 site took down SOHH. I commented on it as well There are usually give away's like "don't...
  17. BiggWebb79

    Trump pulling out a play from Bush Sr's playbook against Joe Biden...

    Here's what He and his administration think about you...
  18. God Almighty

    Smoke for Trump thread

    Agents have been posting too much criticism of Joe Biden. Several brehs have pointed out that we need smoke for Trump. This is the appropriate thread for exactly that. Post your smoke for Trump here.
  19. DrexlersFade

    Trump most cringeworthy interview to date we don't stand a chance!

    My bad had to make up for the Blake thread the first 16 min is just outright scary:why:
  20. BaileyPark31

    Rep Louie Gohmert Has The Ronies Too ... He Blames The Mask

    And he claims he's following Dr Trump's advice and will take hydroxychloroquine. 'Merica #TotsNPears