
  1. Drew Wonder

    What's the GOAT rap song that sampled Prince?

    I gotta go with this
  2. SirBiatch

    Best Nas da GOATsir vocal samples?

    Favorite songs that sample Nas vocals that are not Nas songs? Jeru Tha Damaja - Invasion Mac Miller - Nikes On My Feet Royal Flush - Movin On Your Weak Productions any other suggestions?
  3. H

    Here's a dope sample for all of you who sample [Aegian Sea - Aphrodite's Child]

    Made a beat to this sample a few years ago, I know some people on here could really chop this up and make some dope ish outta this. Aegian Sea - Aphrodite's Child My Flip: This bad Cuban/Puerto Rican rapper/boxer chick from the Bronx made a dope song out of my flip to this. She's a frequent...