And if so, do they actually like the bangers vibe or they just like the idea that Drake can play in the streets without being too street on some National Geographic shyt?
Pull up your :coffee: This shyt's a bit long but that SirBiatch quality you love :banderas:
Aight, let's get to it:
I was...
Not a fan of RNB or Kelly or Beyonce, but i feel her pain tho. She comes no to promote whatever she's pushing, and even after being out of Destiny Child for over a decade she still being asked about Be-Thot-Ce :martin:
MJournalists & M edia dont even research or ask questions anymore, its just...
1. Are the Warriors really that great or is the NBA simply that bad.
2. Is the NBA really that bad?
A lot of these teams don't even deserve to be in the playoffs, but it's so mediocre heavy they go in by default. They simply sucked the least.
Hello Coli, breh's and Brettehs. I have a story followed by a question.
Before I met my girlfriend I was playing the field and trying to sleep with every woman I met. While that didn't always work out I did gain some insight into how "some" women see men.
I met this girl and we exchanged...
A while back before I got in a relationship I went out with this chick. We talked on the phone for a bit before our first date and got into a heated debate about who should pay for the first date. I sighting that since we don't know if we really dig each other we should go dutch. But she...
He answers a question about women in science with his own experiences being a black man and wanting to become an astrophysicist.
Edit: Sorry forgot to mention, skip to the 1:01:30 part
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