police brutality

  1. Rhapscallion Démone

    North Carolina sheriff apologizes for attempted lynching by deputies in 1952

    'I cannot change what they did': North Carolina sheriff apologizes for attempted lynching by deputies in 1952 By Emily ShapiroJun 14, 2019, 11:59 AM ET WATCH: "It's just the right thing to do. We're all human beings and we need to make sure we treat each other that way," Wake County Sheriff...
  2. blqbird

    The "Hands Up" act if passed could see major change in our communities.

    “Hands Up” Act would punish cops for shooting “unarmed” people Sign the Petition
  3. Rhapscallion Démone

    College Student held at gunpoint by police for simply picking up trash around his home

    Told they ass to go do some real work lmao
  4. You_Ugly_on_Skype

    Caught On Video: Black Cop Unloads Full Clip On Unarmed Teen (NSFW)

    When will it end :mjcry: :picard:
  5. Rhapscallion Démone

    Charlotte North Carolina man shot dead by police after being to by police to reach for his gun

    His last words were "you told me".
  6. blqbird

    But nothing will come of it...

    This is getting real tired. Clock is ticking for this country. :demonic: On a side-note, FL is a serious trash heap. Can't wait for it to go underwater. :pacspit:
  7. IsThatBrothaMouzone?

    Guyger DPD Audio (after killing Botham Jean)

    https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/do-not-publish-main-911-call-piece/287-89eb47bb-7f14-46fd-8406-141ffabb44a1 Used to love Channel 8 (WFAA) but they've been getting more "pro cop" since Brother Micah went on his spree. Good they got a copy but this feels like a coordinated ploy to "taint the...
  8. Baka's Weird Case

    Cop Watch: Police Brutality Mega Thread

    I've had the idea of making a thread like this on HL for a while now. I think we should have a single thread for posting material on stories about police brutality, excessive force, murders by police officers, abuse of power or even general corruption in law enforcement. Probably mostly...
  9. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Chicago Youth Demand #PoliceFreeSchools

    “In Chicago there is a lot of trauma connected to police. Walking into these schools makes us feel unwanted, like the police are protecting the school from us. We get yelled at, watched, harassed, arrested, put into gang databases, and put in danger of deportation." -Citlai, CPS Senior On...
  10. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Ethiopian Israelis fighting police brutality and racism

  11. twhatever

    Botham Shem Jean case:Newly elected Dallas DA says ‘appropriate charge’ for Amber Guyger is murder

    District Attorney-elect Creuzot told NBC in Dallas, “I don’t know any police reports. I don’t know any forensic reports, but based on what I have seen, manslaughter is an inappropriate charge, based on the circumstances as I understand them. Once I get in there and I get everything in front of...
  12. Jesus Bhrist


    Back in the year 2000, Robert Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, scored a 33 on an intelligence test he took as part of the application process to become a police officer in the town of New London, Connecticut. The score meant Jordan had an IQ of 125. The average score for police officers...
  13. MrRDU

    Cali DA refuses to charge ANY police

    This just slipped under my radar but this DA Jackie Lacey is obviously on some shady BS. She declined charging a cop after s shootting in which the chief wanted the cop charged. LA brehs wassup ? Los Angeles Times - We are currently unavailable in your region
  14. Ya' Cousin Cleon


    The solution to problems like unsolved homicides, especially in communities of color, cannot be reinvestment in institutions that wage violence against them. Responses to failure often take the form of reinvestment in what is failing. When Wall Street fails, the banks receive support in the...
  15. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Michael Brown’s Mother Is Considering a Run for Ferguson City Council

    Michael Brown’s Mother Is Considering a Run for Ferguson City Council If she enters the race and wins, she’ll help oversee the police force that killed her son. The mother of Michael Brown, the teenager whose police killing in Ferguson, Missouri, sparked unrest in 2014 and was a major catalyst...
  16. KamikazePilot

    Utah police shoot black man for 'Rapidly' taking hands out of his pocket

    They ordered him to and still shot him The war on black people is here :francis: This shows even if we follow orders they will still find a way to shoot you Stay safe brehs and brehettes Any 911 call can be the end
  17. Homey the clown

    Got into debate with old white guy at Work who claimed Liberal media brought back racism

    It's funny when white people get comfortable with you and feel like you're one of the good ones, they will tell you all sorts things.Today I was talking to this 65 year old Cac I work with and he started talking about how there's a racial divide in this country and he was trying to blame it the...
  18. SouthSac916

    Singles I Am Stephon Clark

  19. Supper

    A Kentucky deputy police chief teaching new recruits to kill black people

    “… call their (pa)rents … if mom is hot then f— her … if dad is hot then handcuff him and make him suck my d—. Unless daddy is black. … Then shoot him.” LOUISVILLE, KY (WCMH) — New documents have been released surrounding the circumstances that caused a former police officer to resign from...