
  1. FAH1223

    Ilhan Omar shakes up Israel status quo with seat on House Foreign Affairs Committee

    My sister Ilhan :blessed: Pro-Palestinian lawmaker shakes up Israel status quo with seat on foreign affairs panel Bryant Harris January 17, 2019 Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., poses for a ceremonial ceremonial swearing-in picture on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 3, 2019. Somali-American Rep...
  2. SirReginald

    "ISRAEL'S Nation State Law Is RACIST" - Natalie Portman

  3. FAH1223

    Rashida Tlaib plans Congressional Delegation to Palestinian Territories; Rejecting Israeli Lobby

    RASHIDA TLAIB, A Democratic representative-elect from Michigan, belongs to a cohort of incoming members of Congress who’ve vowed to upend the status quo — even on third-rail issues in Washington like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To that end, Tlaib is planning to lead a congressional...
  4. SirReginald

    Freedom Flotilla Missions Will Continue ‘Until Palestine Is Free’

  5. FAH1223

    U.S. threatening the International Criminal Court (ICC) and closing PLO Office in DC

  6. SirReginald

    Trump Cuts $25 Million In Aid For Palestinians In East Jerusalem Hospitals

    Neutral my ass :hhh: #DUMBESTPresidentOfThe21stCentury Evangelical White Christians :hhh: This 70 year conflict :hhh: Our tax money :hhh:
  7. 88m3

    Abbas says Kushner explored forming a Palestinian-Jordanian confederacy

    I'd meant to share this a few days ago but it got lost in the mix :laff: @Broke Wave @FAH1223
  8. FAH1223

    US cuts $200M in aid to Palestinians, says there are no refugees, and cutting UNRWA

    Nothing to negotiate if you're Palestinian..
  9. FAH1223

    It's official. Israel is now a state exclusively for Jews (Apartheid)

  10. RennisDeynolds

    Why is no one talking about the real mastermind behind the Drake/Push beef?

    DJ Khaled is the real mastermind behind all of this shyt. Let me explain: 1. He has his baby son Asahd running around getting endorsements and commercials 2. Heard Drake is trying to do the same shyt with Adonis and the adidas clothing line 3. Put the call out to somebody with nothing going on...
  11. V

    Natalie Portman Decides Against Israel Trip to Accept Genesis Prize

    "Recent events in Israel have been extremely distressing to her and she does not feel comfortable participating in public events in Israel" :salute::salute::salute: Natalie Portman Decides Against Israel Trip to Accept Genesis Prize The actress had been announced as an honoree by the Genesis...
  12. FAH1223

    Israel kills 120, injures 14,000 during protests at Gaza border

  13. FAH1223

    As a 2-State Solution Loses Steam, a 1-State Plan Gains Traction in Israel/Palestine

    As a 2-State Solution Loses Steam, a 1-State Plan Gains Traction By DAVID M. HALBFINGER JAN. 5, 2018 JERUSALEM — The Israeli right, emboldened by President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, is not the only faction arguing for a single state between the Jordan River and the...
  14. FAH1223

    Israel moves to annex West Bank with Trump administration support

  15. Jimi Swagger

    German protests prompt fears of rising anti-Semitism

    Growing strength of AfD party and influx of Arab refugees fuel anxiety about intolerance Protesters against Donald Trump's recognition of Jersusalem as Israeli capital. Demonstrations were also held in a number of other German cities. The Holocaust, says Bader, is “why I love Hitler”. A...
  16. SirReginald

    RACIST Trump Supporter Calls A 5 Year Old Girl A TERRORIST (For Attending Pro Palestinian Rally)

    Disgusting :snoop:
  17. SirReginald


  18. SirReginald

    BREAKING NEWS: President Trump Plans To Announce Jerusalem As Israeli Capital (IT'S CONFIRMED)

    As you all may know I am pro-two state solution which the Trump Administration is against. Also, I believe Israel has a right to defend itself, BUT the state of Israel has been excessive of its defense in my honest opinion. In my opinion, Jews and Arabs living in peace like they used to will...
  19. FAH1223

    Mandla Mandela, grandson of Nelson Mandela: "Israel is the worst apartheid regime."

  20. FAH1223

    The Reasons for Netanyahu’s Panic

    The Reasons for Netanyahu's Panic Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is pushing the panic button over the collapse of the Saudi-Israeli jihadist proxies in Syria and now threatening to launch a major air war, as ex-British diplomat Alastair Crooke describes. By Alastair Crooke A very senior...