monday night raw

  1. Lucky Millionaire

    [9/21] WWE Monday Night RAW: Tell This Fulltime Champ Break's Over

    THE WWE IS BACK (2013-2015)
  2. Honga Ciganesta

    [7/20] WWE Monday Night Raw: Deadmen and Disappearing Champions

    Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar engaged in a hellacious-ly disappointing match last night which saw The return of The Undertaker, apparently stopping the beast from claiming the title. Along with an impressive belly and some fantastic eye liner Taker also seemed to be more powerful than ever...
  3. MushroomX

    [03/02] WWE Raw: Brock Lesnar no sho', fo sho', and stuck with Daily Sho'?

    :mjcry: Franchise Tag doesn't apply to Brock, wants MAX deal with dat Bird Years clause :mjcry: And WWE picked up John Stewart from Waivers? :mjcry: #TankingSeason :mjcry: